VIGIRA Ltd was founded in 2011.
Building, repair and finishing services are performed in residential, public, and business buildings. Many years of experience allow employees to provide quality service to its customers, using state of the art technology and cost-effective engineering solutions.
The company proposes to install renewable energy systems: solar and wind energy. Designing and installing solar and wind power generation systems, we give our clients the opportunity to become independent from the expensive sources of energy and become energy suppliers themselves.
VIGIRA Ltd has partnered with solar and wind power generation systems suppliers, as well as building materials supply companies. The company has necessary vehicles, equipment, and tools, required to exercise planned works.
The goal of our company: to use only high-quality materials, providing reliable engineering solutions to ensure safe operation, as well as its quality.
The Company is continuously investing in employees’ knowledge and skills.
Company employees always take in to account our customers’ requests and suggestions.